Chapter 9 Resources
9.1 Glossary
Individual Development Plan (IDP) - a tool to assist mentees in academic and career development.
Institutional Review Board (IRB) - committees at US research institutions that review and approve research proposals to ensure they are ethical.
Version Control - a system that records changes to a file (or set of files) over time so that you can recall specific versions later.
9.2 Links
Open Science Framework (OSF) - a tool developed and maintained by the Center for Open Science for creating, organizing, developing, and sharing research projects -
OpenNeuro - a repository for sharing neuroimaging data -
StackOverflow - open community for troubleshooting any kind of code -
Neurostars - a listserve for neuroimaging questions -
GitHub - a respository for code -
bioRxiv - a preprint server for biological sciences; we will post our more neuroscience-y work here -
PsyArXiv - a preprint server for psychological sciences; we will post our behavioral studies here -
Peele Lab’s Manuscript Checklist - a checklist of things to do before submitting a manuscript to ensure open access -